The indigenous people of Australia were the first users of emu oil

The indigenous people of Australia were the first users of emu oil

The word Baramul is the Loddon valley indigenous peoples word for Emu.

The indigenous people of Australia discovered the super natural healing benefits of emu oil more than 40 thousand years ago when emu oil was first used for an assortment of medical ailments, wound healing, skin problems, muscular pain, eaten internally for nutrition.

Emu oil is derived from emu fat which is accumulated in-between the skin and the meat similar to a whale. The fat is stored by the bird seasonally which allows the emu to survive the harshest conditions on earth and in the winter enables the emu to reproduce.

An emu can survive for months without food or water which is quite natural for the emu. Their fat is fully sustainable for the emu during these extreme conditions.

With this in mind 20th century science proceeded and in the mid 1990s Baramul research began. By using Independent dedicated scientists further research was conducted.

We learned by using 20th century scientific testing methods, emu oil was found to be unique in its makeup, specifically high in omega 3,6,9 and antioxidant vitamin content (Meaning nutritious to eat) to support the indigenous people’s medical claims of emu oil.